Friday, April 6, 2007

1 year before 9/11 Bill Clinton refused to kill Osama Bin Laden!

In the interview, with Chris Wallace, Bill Clinton stated he, "ordered the CIA to kill Bin Laden". This LIVE real time video was taken following the 2000 USS Cole bombing!

The CIA needed Clinton to approve a cruise missile strike. A U.S. Destroyer was in the Gulf and armed and ready to fire on "Clinton's order". Bill Clinton had to talk to lawyers, the State Departement, the Secretary of Defense, National Security Advisor and then NEVER approved a cruise missile strike on Osama Bin Laden.

Clinton lied people died!

1 comment:

Pen of Jen said...

Thanks for stopping by, I appreciate the kind words. It really has been nice to be able to say the things about my dad that were censored in my early childhood due to the anti war sentiment.
I like what I have read so far and I will be stopping back.
Jennifer(pen of jen)